Cherish the Light
Artist: Laurie Basham
About the Artwork: This one brings back specialmemories of my former home in Maryland, where we hada glorious sunroom. Our beautiful kitchen table has nowbeen handed down to our daughter's family where wecontinue to gather around to have cherished time together.These pieces of furniture and spaces in our home holdonto so much energy. To me many of them are more thanjust things….and I'm grateful for their part in my life.
Media: Pastel
Dimensions: 16" wide by 20" tall
Framed: Yes
Notes: This piece is part of “The Shaffner Collection.” The Shaffner Inn, and Founders Restaurant, is located at 150 Marshall St SW, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Artwork can be viewed during normal business hours or by appointment. Reach out to Carrie for an appointment at Arrangements will be made for purchased artwork to be picked up directly from the Inn.